Vocabulary - WORD- Hangman

Prononcer les mots correctement :Ecoutez le vocabulaire
et apprenez le.

Furniture Colours Weather House How are you ?
Clothes Food Numbers Days-Months Greetings

Do you like JEWELS ? Irregular verbs Adjectif de personnalité
Family Chores Jobs New Year's resolutions Classroom English

Classroom English (sound)
likes -dislikes

How to pronounce

the voyel "a"   the voyel "i"                                   The alphabet                               


The United Kingdom        the Queen's   houses                     London             

Quelques exercices pour vous permettre de reviser le vocabulaire

What time is it ?

The days of the week

Vocabulary CARS

food : look at these 15 words

then do the wordsearch


Computer games

reviser le vocabulaire informatique souvent utilisé en salle pupitre

e-mail abbrevaitions

Are you addicted to emails


Listen to them

Quoi Choisir ?

do or make the housework

Certains mots anglais ont un pluriel irregulier

Irregular plurals

Sort different plural noums

Sort words

find 25 words in each category as quickly as possible

Retrouve les synonyms

Play with homophones

Tongue twister

Play with sounds

Identify the sounds