Look at these proverbs and sayings, read them carefully then make this quiz

Health is better than wealth.  

Good and quickly seldom meet.  

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

An onion a day keeps everyone away.*

All that glitters is not gold.  

Every cloud has a silver lining  

Hunger is a good sauce.  

Like father, like son, like mother, like daughter.  

 Love is blind.  

Never say die.  

Practice makes perfect.  

 Rome was not built in a day.  

The pen is mightier than the sword  

Where there's a will, there's a way.  

A friend in need is a friend indeed

It's never too late to mend

Speech is silver, silence is golden

Laugh and the world laughs with you 

Like a bull in a china shop

A Jack of all trades is master of none

Every Jack has his Jill.

It's better to be in good health than to be rich.

  A well-done job takes time.

  Eating an apple every day can help to keep you healthy.

A humoristic version of "an apple a day..."

What look good on the outside may not be so in reality.

There is a positive or hopeful side to every unpleasant situation.  

  All food tastes good when you are hungry.


A son's character can be expected to resemble his father's.

   A person in love does not see the faults of the person he/she loves.    


Never give up.


Doing something repeatedly is the only way to become good at it.

It takes a long time to do a job properly.  You should not expect to do it quickly

  Words and communication have greater effect than war and fighting.


A person with determination will find a way of doing something

A friend who helps when one is in trouble is a real friend.

It is never too late to correct one's mistakes or faults.

Talk may be beneficial, but sometimes acquiescence may be the best option to take

When someone is in a happy, cheerful mood, people like being with him.

A clumsy or tactless person